The ultimate journey into the unknown, precision-crafted by renowned expedition leader Dr. Raj Joshi.
Spend a week in the wilderness
Follow instructions and navigate through your unknown surroundings
Crafted in collaboration with Dr Raj Joshi, expedition leader and A-List celebrity guide
Find your true self, free from the constraints of daily life
Develop compassionate leadership and effect positive life transformation
Low physical impact, but designed to fundamentally challenge your mindset
Time allocated for preparation and decompression, both before and after the experience
This trip can be customised to your personal preferences. Get in touch to create your own Lost & Found adventure.
The best time to travel
- January is one of the best months to visit.
- February is one of the best months to visit.
- March is one of the best months to visit.
- April is one of the best months to visit.
- May is one of the best months to visit.
- June is one of the best months to visit.
- July is one of the best months to visit.
- August is one of the best months to visit.
- September is one of the best months to visit.
- October is one of the best months to visit.
- November is one of the best months to visit.
- December is one of the best months to visit.
- best time to visit
- good time to visit
- average time to visit

First you will be lost. Then you will be found. This is a journey like no other, where if you can find the courage to trust us, we’ll give you the most rewarding trip of your life.
We often forget that not taking a risk in life is perhaps the greatest risk of all. This is a journey into the unknown, a journey into both a physical landscape and the landscape of your mind. Intricately choreographed to deliver profound and lasting change, this journey is about finding your bearings in every sense. You are the adventure.
The concept is in essence extremely simple. You will travel with your guide by helicopter to a remote and undivulged wilderness location. As you both leave the helicopter, your guide will place a box on the ground before climbing back in. Watching it disappear into the sky, the realisation will dawn that you are now alone and lost. Inside the box are a set of instructions and all the essentials you need to survive. Over the course of the next week, you will be asked simply to complete the journey, with Raj helping at various points along the way. This is no common journey.
The experience increases your levels of personal responsibility. It allows time for you to reflect on life as well as a new learning experience. The journey incorporates elements strongly bound to transformational change and a holistic approach involving the physical, psychological and spiritual.

Start Planning Your Journey
This trip can be customised to your personal preferences.
Our team is ready to inspire you. Email team@untoldstorytravel.com or call us on
+44(0) 776 284 8888